romeo and juliet act 3, scene 5 modern english

The people in the street cry Romeo, Some Juliet, and some Paris; and all run, With open outcry toward our monument. Enter ROMEO and JULIET above, at the window JULIET Wilt thou be gone? Every minute without Romeo will seem like a day, and I shall be very old before I see you again, my Romeo. It is, it is. ‘I know that: it’s like some meteor sent to light you on you way to Mantua. Thursday is coming soon--put your hand on your heart and take my advice. But now I have to tell you good news, girl. Your eyes are like the sea ebbing and flowing with tears, your body is like a boat sailing through the tears, and your violent sighing is like stormwinds that threaten to overpower your body as if it were a ship in a tempest. The Nurse, who had been keeping guard all night, knocked softly on the door and opened it. You must go. Thursday is close. Hold your tongue. I can never be proud of something that I don’t want but I’m thankful for what you’ve done because you intended it as love.’. The stars have disappeared, and the cheerful day is reaching up over the eastern mountaintops. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged. ‘It still won’t bring him back,’ said her mother. Oh, do you think we will ever meet again? Believe me, my love, it was the nightingale. Adieu, adieu! Be fickle, Fortune. Act 5, Scene 3. I admit it is the lark singing, sounding so out of tune and sharp in this moment. I must hear from you every hour of every day. Has she stayed up late, or is she up early? A certain amount of grief shows a large amount of love, but too much grief makes you seem stupid. It’s past daybreak, so be wary, keep watch. It’s getting lighter every moment.’, Romeo groaned. This list of Shakespeare plays brings together all 38 plays in alphabetical order. As long as I live I won’t own you. Isn’t she grateful?’ He was looking incredulously from one to the other. ‘Please tell my father that I don’t want to get married yet and when I do I swear it will be to Romeo – who you know I hate – before I marry Paris. ‘I beg of you, just let me say one thing. The Friar tells Romeo the somewhat good news: he won’t face death, but because he killed Tybalt, Romeo can never return to Verona. Romeo & Juliet Act 3 Scene 5 (9th grade project) - Duration: 8:25. Please, mother, what is the good news? The tombs of Verona’s wealthiest families loomed even more darkly than their black surroundings. She spoke cautiously. Read Act 5, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, side-by-side with a translation into Modern English. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Curse you, you beast! And then stop weeping. Which sin was worse – wanting her to break her vow or running Romeo down? Look, love, see the sun streaks lacing through the severe clouds there in the east? Well, if you won’t get married, I’ll pardon you. Nurse, how can we prevent this? And yet no-one causes me as much sadness as he does.’, ‘That’s because the murderous traitor is still alive.’, ‘Yes, Mother,’ said Juliet. Damn you, useless girl! Read Act 4, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, side-by-side with a translation into Modern English. What does Capulet tell his wife to say to Juliet? Please excuse me.” His eyes blazed. What is it, Mother?’. “Proud” and “thankful” and “no thank you”? They hem and haw for a while, until the Nurse enters and tells Juliet that her mother is on the way. Go make your way as you wish, but you won’t live under my roof. You’re proud and you thank us and yet you’re ungrateful and you can’t be proud? You heard your father, Do as you 1ike. Actually understand Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 2. What? Juliet refuses, and continues to do so even when her father enters and threatens to throw her out if she doesn’t. Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. She heard her mother calling. Either my eyes are failing, or you look very pale. Think about it. He plans to commit suicide at Juliet… Juliet hung out the window. ‘Oh, he’s a lovely gentleman,’ continued the Nurse. It wasn’t like her to come to her room at this time of morning. Romeo and his fellow attendees arrive at the Capulet feast.The guests are greeted by Capulet, who reminisces with his cousin about how long it has been since they both took part in a masque. I’ll send someone to Mantua where that banished criminal now lives, and they’ll give him such a powerful poison that he’ll soon keep Tybalt company. And then to have a wretched crying idiot, a whining doll, staring her fortune in the face and answering -Capulet imitated a lisping girl – “I don’t think I’ll get married, I can’t love him, I’m too young. ROMEO O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. She slipped from the bed and fell to her knees. When Romeo enters the tomb, he sees Juliet in a corpse-like state and launches into a long, sad speech, kisses her, and drinks his poison. To help you through this bereavement he’s sorted something out. You white faced…’ He took a swing at her and hit her across the face. one kiss, and I'll descend. Now I wish they’d switched voices as well, since that voice is ripping us from each other’s arms, and people will be hunting you. If you are, I have some hope that you might change your mind and not keep Romeo away so long, but bring him back instead. ‘Have you told her of my decision?’. Search your soul and give it some serious thought. They hem and haw for a while, until the Nurse enters and tells Juliet that her mother is on the way. Living in Mantua he’s not much use to you, is he?’, ‘Well you’ve really comforted me. (5 points) Scene 5: 7. PRINCE What fear is this which startles in our ears? Tears streamed down her cheeks. At the same time, Tybalt spots Romeo and recognizes him as a Montague. All day and night, in work and play, time after time, alone and in company, my goal has always been to have her married. © 2004 – 2021 NoSweat Digital Ltd, Kemp House, 152 – 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, Shakespeare’s plays translated to modern English >>, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 1, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 2, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 3, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 4, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 5, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 1, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 2, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 3, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 4, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 1, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 2, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 3, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 4, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 5, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 6, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 7, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 1, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 2, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 3, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 4, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 5, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 6, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 7, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 1, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 2, King Lear Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 1, Scene 1, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 1, Scene 2, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 1, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 2, Scene 1, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 2, Scene 2, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 2, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 2, Scene 4, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 3, Scene 1, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 3, Scene 2, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 3, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 4, Scene 1, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 4, Scene 2, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 4, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 5, Scene 1, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 5, Scene 2, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 5, Scene 3, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 5, Scene 4, Julius Caesar Translation: Act 5, Scene 5, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 1, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 2, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 3, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 1, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 2, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 3, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 4, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 5, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 6, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 7, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 8, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, Scene 9, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, Scene 1, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, Scene 2, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, Scene 3, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, Scene 4, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, Scene 5, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 4, Scene 1, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 4, Scene 2, Modern The Merchant of Venice: Act 5, Scene 1, Modern A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 2, Scene 2, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 1, Scene 1, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 1, Scene 2, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 2, Scene 1, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 3, Scene 1, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 3, Scene 2, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 4, Scene 1, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 4, Scene 2, Modern Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act 5, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 1, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 1, Scene 2, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 1, Scene 3, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 2, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 2, Scene 2, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 2, Scene 3, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 3, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 3, Scene 2, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 3, Scene 3, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 3, Scene 4, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 3, Scene 5, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 4, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 4, Scene 2, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 5, Scene 1, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 5, Scene 2, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 5, Scene 3, Modern Much Ado About Nothing: Act 5, Scene 4, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 1, Scene 2, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 1, Scene 3, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 1, Scene 4, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 1, Scene 5, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 1, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 2, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 3, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 4, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 5, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 2, Scene 6, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 3, Scene 1, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 3, Scene 2, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 3, Scene 3, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 3, Scene 4, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 4, Scene 1, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 4, Scene 2, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 4, Scene 3, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 4, Scene 4, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 4, Scene 5, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 5, Scene 1, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 5, Scene 2, Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 5, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 1, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 2, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 4, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 5, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 6, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 1, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 2, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 4, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 2, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 4, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 5, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 6, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 1, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 2, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 1, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 2, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 3, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 4, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 5, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 6, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 7, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 8, Macbeth Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 9, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 1, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 1, Scene 2, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 1, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 2, Scene 2, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 1, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 2, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 3, Scene 3, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 4, Scene 1, The Tempest Modern Translation: Act 5, Scene 1, Oh, my heart hates hearing his name, and I cannot go to him to throw the love that I had for my cousin upon the body that killed him! If so, what was Fortune doing with someone as faithful as Romeo was? Home 1 / Shakespeare Plays 2 / Modern Romeo and Juliet Translation 3 / Romeo & Juliet in Modern English: Act 5, Scene 3 Paris approached the churchyard, his page walking in front of him with the torch. Let them catch me, let them put me to death. Disobedient wretch! I’m completely convinced that this is the best match – much better than the first. Juliet couldn’t believe her only friend was saying this. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale. Wash him from his grave with tears? Delay this marriage for a month, even a week. Enter ROMEO and JULIET above, at the window. ‘So stop crying. What is this? Read Act 1, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, side-by-side with a translation into Modern English. You little whore. I’m not proud that you’ve done this, but I’m thankful. She couldn’t take it any more and came forward now. I have no doubt that we will, and all these sorrows we’re feeling now will be nostalgic memories we’ll look back on in the future. Summarize the events of this scene. Well, you’ve been marvellously comforting. (He goeth down) JULIET Art thou gone so? Summary and Analysis Act I: Scene 5 Summary. Listen here, little girl. I’ve finished with you.’ And she hurried out, ‘Oh God. Lady Capulet rushed between them and got in the way just as her husband’s hand was about to come down again. ‘Still crying?’. I need some comforting, sweet nurse. MERCUTIO 5 Thou art like one of these fellows that, when he enters the confines of a tavern, claps me his Give me thy torch, boy. ROMEO Farewell, farewell! You find a suitable poison, and I’ll find a suitable servant. Or if you won’t then make the bridal bed in that dark tomb where Tybalt’s lying.’. ‘Stop it!’ she cried. Modern Text Version. ‘Are you mad?’ She grasped his arm and held it firmly. May Romeo and all villainy always be miles away. He can’t come back here to challenge anything you do – or if he does it has to be in secret. He sat on the bed beside her and took her hand. And you won’t get a penny. What incredible news indeed! ‘Your mother’s coming to your room It’s morning. ‘Well.’ Her mother sat down on the bed. Nor is that sound the lark with its notes echoing in the heavens above us. So think about that! ‘No! ‘So you’re the fountain of wisdom now, are you?’ he sneered. Trust me, love, you look pale to me too--sorrow drains away our blood. Oh my sweet mother, don’t cast me away! When she refuses, Juliet decides to seek help from Friar Lawrence instead. They kissed again and again then he finally let the rope ladder down. Devastated, he decides to head back to Verona immediately. Romeo cannot entertain her claims; he must leave before the morning comes or be put to death. A mourning Paris visits Juliet’s tomb. His confidante, Bathalsar, arrives to tell him the sad news: Juliet is dead (Balthasar is not in on Juliet’s plan). Then he swung round and ran towards Juliet. God pardon him! Is there no pity in heaven that can see the depths of my grief? That was the nightingale--not the morning lark--that just made that loud, piercing cry. In your little body there’s a storm with a boat, a sea, and a wind. I’m not joking. Let’s talk: it’s not day yet.’, ‘Oh, it is, it is!’ she cried. What, are you still crying? ‘Such shaking.’ He turned to his wife. Romeo and Paris fight and Paris is killed. Damn old woman! Juliet tries to convince Romeo that the birdcalls they hear are from the nightingale, a night bird, rather than from the lark, a morning bird. ‘Anything that can see how miserable I am?’ She tried to take her mother’s hand but Lady Capulet snatched it away. How are you, my love? Do you have any words of comfort?

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