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They eventually found the Sith holocron inside a deep chamber inhabited by krykna. In the end Kanan, Hera, Ahsoka, and the Phoenix cell leader Commander Sato approved the mission. There, Ezra was reunited with several old friends including the farmer Morad Sumar, his wife Marida Sumar, and the Ithorian bartender Jho. Hair color [60], While underground, Ezra and his comrades discovered sealed tunnels and the helmets of Saw's Partisans. When Ezra realized his actions, he was scared and confused. Bridger and Commander Sato were then escorted by stormtroopers to the Interdictor's command bridge where they encountered the ship's commanding officer, Admiral Brom Titus. [64], Lieutenant Lyste then caught a glimpse of the impostor Ezra and the droids fleeing aboard Shuttle TY992 with Kanan and Rex before being knocked unconscious by Kallus. While Ezra believed that Thrawn had no right to steal other people's culture and art, Thrawn countered that the young Jedi did not understand the significance of power. Upon arriving there, they discovered that the housing unit was home to an Ithorian mother name Oora. During the brief skirmish, Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to topple an AT-DP walker. Ezra's arrival was timely since the Mining Guild Boss Yushyn was on the verge of crushing the rebels. Ezra and the crew of the Ghost traveled to the desert world of Seelos to seek out Ahsoka's friend. Homeworld Upon arriving, the rebels had found themselves under attack from the krykna, large spidery creatures that inhabited the tunnels beneath the deserts of Atollon. Ezra was present with the other Spectres at Chopper Base when Mart embraced his uncle Sato and his crew.[56]. Wolffe had acted on a mistaken belief that he was protected his fellow clones from Imperial retribution. As they fled, the Lothal Jedi Temple sunk into the ground, taking Minister Hydan with it. Well, that is essentially what it’s like for a dog to experience the world without ample opportunity to smell his/her surroundings. [46], Upon arriving on Lothal, Ezra and the other Jedi made their way to the Jedi Temple while Chopper stayed behind to guard the Phantom. When Agent Kallus arrived, Ezra used the Force to hurl Kallus and his men against the wall. After the smuggler received a puffer pig from Azmorigan and Syndulla returned to the Ghost, Bridger and Orrelios scared the pig, causing the creature to inflate. When Ohnaka asked for the payment he was promised, Ezra refused; making Hondo "proud" of his young friend. The rebels then traveled to Yavin 4. However, they allowed Kallus to continue operating so that he could lead them to Chopper Base.[64]. They were ordered to deliver the courier to a place called Havoc Outpost. Before Hera could dock with Saw's U-wing, the rebels were scattered by an Imperial Star Destroyer. [38] By the following year, Ezra had begun to study Form IV through a recording of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker found in Kanan's holocron, and he could briefly engage the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in a duel alongside Kanan. Following the briefing, Ezra petitioned Mon Mothma about aiding his homeworld of Lothal. While Hondo thought that the fight was over, Ezra reminded his rebel comrades that the next stage of their plan was to drive the Empire from Lothal. While Ezra grappled with the technicians, Chopper managed to access one of the terminals and turned off the gravity; preventing the technicians from firing on Ezra. That doesn’t sound like any fun, does it? Calrissian, who was offworld at the time, agreed to help them in exchange for obtaining three of their shield generators and instructed the rebels to visit his farm where his droid W1-LE would assist their escape arrangements. While sitting on a rock, Ezra complained that Kanan had not prepared him for his death. After Sabine had completed her training, Ezra along with Kanan, Fenn Rau, and Chopper accompanied Sabine on a mission to the planet Krownest, the home of Clan Wren. Tarkin had arrived on Lothal to implement a permanent solution to the Lothal rebel presence. In the middle of the meeting, Tseebo detected the presence of a tracking beacon, which Chopper quickly deduced was located on the Phantom's hull. Ezra and the other Spectres listened as AP-5 began to recount the incident before Zeb playfully muzzled him. [1] Darth Vader later destroyed this lightsaber on Malachor. [8] Due to his compassion and understanding of others, Ezra often served as the unofficial diplomat of the Ghost crew on many occasions. Kanan and Ahsoka explained that Malachor was considered off-limits by the Jedi. [51] During the skirmish on Dathomir, Ezra wielded the darksaber alongside his own lightsaber to destroy the altar of the Nightsister spirits, thus showing some skill in Jar'Kai. While Maul dealt with Kanan, Ezra was escorted by two repurposed tour guide droids to the command center. When Ezra asked Maul how he had found them, Maul replied that Ezra's abrupt severance of the holocron connection had caused both to see fragments of each other's visions. Ezra believed that Sabine could repair her relationship with her family. Our educated and passionate team strive to provide you with the resources, products and services that will bring the most joy and health to your pets and livestock. Upon arriving, Ezra spotted one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 seeker droids hovering nearby. Bridger grew up on his own and worked as a small-time thief and con artist, using his street smarts to steal technology and goods from the forces of the Galactic Empire, though he felt no loyalty to others. After meeting with Mothma's senatorial attache Erskin Semaj and Gold Leader Captain Jon Vander, the Spectres began refueling Gold Squadron's Y-wings. AP-5 managed to warn the rebels that the Empire had set a trap in the Yost system and instead gave them the coordinates for an alternative world called Atollon, which lacked an Imperial presence. They visited his old home only to discover that the Empire had razed it to the ground. Before they could proceed further, Kanan arrived with the other rebels and convinced Ezra to let go. The rebels and Mandalorians devised a plan to infiltrate Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer above Sundari and destroy the weapon. There, while the others kept the stormtroopers busy, he freed the Wookiees and watched as Jarrus publicly revealed himself to be a Jedi. Upon arriving at the Jedi Temple, the rebels discovered that the Empire and Mining Guild had set up camp and were excavating the ancient structure. Shortly later, Ezra and his fellow rebels were attacked by several Rodian Mining Guild guards. Mothma wanted to travel to Dantooine in order to rally the rebel cells into an Alliance to Restore the Republic. After destroying an Imperial patrol transport, Ezra and his companions reluctantly escaped with Hera aboard the Phantom; leaving Kanan behind. Once aboard, the rebels discovered an Imperial shuttle aboard the freighter, which was traveling to the empty Tonnis sector. He also told Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb to attack the Academy in the morning in order to create a diversion for them to escape. The young Padawan also used the Force to save Ohnaka from being fired into space, revealing his identity as a Jedi. Together with Hera, they infiltrated the Twi'lek settlement in a stolen 614-AvA speeder bike. Before they could proceed with the mission, Ezra began seeing visions of Maul in the Chopper Base command center. Once inside the Temple, the three Jedi experienced different visions of the Force depending on their needs and circumstances. Since Hera had overcome her animosity towards the space creatures, she announced that the Ghost would travel with them. [23], After exiting hyperspace, Ezra and Kanan took the shuttle to PM-1203, the asteroid which hosted the former Republic base Fort Anaxes. In return for participating in the combat simulation, Ezra secured an agreement from Kalani to free Zeb, who had been designated as a hostage, and to give them the proton bombs if they won the match. After Ezra expressed surprise that Yoda was once consumed by fear, Yoda counseled him that it was a lifelong challenge to prevent fear from bending into anger. Assuming their final answer was "no," Ezra stated that he and Chopper would go back alone. During one lesson, he was instructed to levitate Chopper with the Force. Shortly later, Kallus informed the Spectres that Mon Mothma had requested a meeting with them. She had obtained two sets of coordinates. However, Chopper was nowhere to be found since he was visiting the stall. This notably allowed them to send Darth Vader himself flying into the path of a collapsing walker with their combined Force powers, though the Sith Lord had not been paying them any attention at the time. Bridger participated in this mission and accompanied Jarrus, Wren, Zeb, and Chopper on their mission to infiltrate the tower. Bozeman, Montana. Shortly later, he was joined by Ahsoka, who explained that the Force became more mysterious as one learned more about it. The allied forces were then attacked by Imperial super commandos and TIE fighters. Shortly later, Ezra was joined by his master Kanan who surmised that Tarkintown had been destroyed to spread fear on Lothal. When Ezra asked what lay inside the temple, Dume responded that the temple contained the knowledge to destruction. [58], Before they could proceed on their mission, Ezra and the other workers were summoned for an assembly by Grand Admiral Thrawn. [65], Ezra, Zeb, Wedge, and an apologetic Chopper later greeted AP-5 at the Ghost's cargo hold. However, the AT-AT proceeded to crush the smaller AT-DP walker. Yoda then reluctantly told Ezra to find Malachor before leaving. As the boy unknowingly used the Force to leap into the hovering ship with his crate, Jarrus was made aware of his Force-sensitivity. When Ezra confronted the loth-wolf, a white loth-cat appeared on the wolf's head, reassuring and surprising Ezra. Ezra opened fired on the TIEs with the Ghost's laser cannons. As the attack on Lothal began, Ezra and his team departed on their speeder bikes. Due to his expertise with gravity locks, Ryder agreed to assist with their operation. Still, Ezra managed use his ingenuity to escape Rukh while recovering a hyperdrive unit on Lothal. [13], Later that morning, Hera and Kanan received word from Commander Sato that there had been a breakout at the Imperial prison on Lothal. After repairing his transponder, Zeb was detected by his fellow rebels who traveled to Bahryn to pick him up. Having disabled the conveyor belts, Ezra ordered his team to get the Y-wings back to the rebellion.

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