4 rules of gun safety

Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger Until Your Target is in Your Sights. Whether targets are made of paper or steel plates, it is important to understand what is being shot at and the effect it will have upon the bullets that strike it. When the rules are followed accidents can be minimized. Rule 1: Treat all guns as though they are always loaded. 2. Watch Your Aim. 1. Always be sure of your target and beyond. Guns are dangerous when they are not handled or used properly and can easily injure or kill you, and those around you. 4 Cardinal Rules of Gun Safety Rule Number 1: Treat the Gun as if it is Always Loaded Of the 4 cardinal rules of gun safety, this one ranks above all others. 3. Keep your finger away from the trigger until the gun is on target and you are ready to shoot. 1. Observant and keen adherence to the first rule of firearm safety is the fundamental operating basis for safe gun handling; this awareness-seeking mindset should always be applied and extend to all other forms of gun safety. Please note the quotes by Jeff Cooper: Creator of the “Modern Technique” of handgun marksmanship. Gun Safety Source is a participant in the Amazon LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Whenever firearms are passed from one person to another, the person receiving the firearm must assume the firearm is loaded until they have personally inspected and confirmed that it is unloaded. 2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to … You never want to point the gun at something your aren't willing to destroy and/or potentially kill. Once a bullet exits the barrel of a gun, it cannot be recalled; whatever damage it inflicts cannot be undone. 455 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest STE 155, CCW Start Here, Dressing for Concealed Carry, my apprehension and anxiety when it came to shooting for the first few times, cartoon style video featuring Eddie Eagle and his Wing Team. Even if you are home and are... 2. 1. This guide will review clear and useful concepts to illustrate the ins and outs of gun safety while demystifying potential scenarios that might cause a person to abandon common sense. Sign up with your email address to get your own copy of the 4 Rules of Gun Safety graphic sent to your email. While it is a bit intrusive and might be uncomfortable, don't be afraid to ask the parents of your child's play date if they own any firearms and if they are stored securely. There are a few great programs available to help parents educate their children on firearm safety. Be aware of anything or anyone behind the intended target. Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed in a Safe Direction. Your gun should be cleaned every time that it is used. Your email address will not be published. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger Until Your Target is in Your Sights. 4. II. Observe trigger discipline when placing and removing firearms from storage. The following are the four universal rules when it comes to firearm safety and should be adhered to anytime you are handling a firearm. The 4 Basic Rules of Gun Safety To help ensure safe practices at home and on the range, make these gun handling principles your own, and they will become natural habits whenever you handle a firearm. Guns can be loaded or unloaded but don’t ever assume that.[1]. What is above, below, to the left, to the right, and what is behind it. These programs aren't about promoting firearms but instead are available to help kids understand what to do if they find a gun and to help parents start the conversation with their children. Educating your child on what to do if they come across a gun should be just as important as teaching them what do in case of a fire or an emergency. Bullets are can pass through intended targets to strike unintended persons or property, and they contain enough power to pass through common barriers such as drywall, car doors, and common wood construction materials. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. You NEVER point a gun at anyone, regardless of the condition, unless you are defending your life or the life of others. The National Shootings Sports Foundation created Project Child Safe to promote firearm safety and education. The purpose of this rule is to develop safe habits. Any logical exception to the first rule of gun safety should only be considered once basic safety has been positively ensured. Observant and keen adherence to the first rule of firearm safety is the fundamental... 2. 2. Observe trigger discipline when unholstering and holstering firearms. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot. Regardless, no safety mechanism can prevent negligent discharge due to carelessness or through dangerous handling of a firearm. Rule #1: All Guns are always loaded. Responsible gun ownership means learning and practicing behaviors that will help prevent needless injury, death, and theft. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard until you are on target and have made the conscious decision to fire. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The operator of a firearm has a personal and legal responsibility to protect bystanders by knowing who and what their firearm is being directed at. You may agree with me when I say: Gun safety is the first and foremost thing to remember while you're handling the gun. Never pass a firearm to another person, or accept a firearm from another person, until the In the more likely case of a negligent discharge caused by failure to observe all 4 Rules of Gun Safety, persistent muzzle discipline will be the best mechanism to avoid injury, fatality or lawsuit. The permanent damage caused by a bullet fired from a gun should be considered at all times when (1) handling any firearm and when placing firearms (2) upon a table, (3) the ground, (4) or into storage. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features. Accumulated moisture and dirt, or solidified grease and oil, can prevent the gun from operating properly. You should never blindly believe that a gun is unloaded or hold it as though it is. 3. Be aware of any unintentional redirection of the muzzle. Here are The Four Rules of Gun Safety! You never fool around or play with guns. Take an introductory gun owners course to get trained in the basic 4 rules of gun safety by a certified instructor . Being a responsible gun owner means you must always be handling your firearm safely at all times. Required fields are marked *. They will keep you safe until you decide what to do with your unexpected rifle or pistol. 4 Rules of Gun Safety As Daniel Shaw instructs them. Concealed Carry for Women, Self-Reliant Tips, and Style Blog, Get your own FREE printable of the 4 Rules of Gun Safety graphic at the. Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed in a Safe Direction, Never let the muzzle cover anything which you are not willing to destroy.[1]. Modern firearms employ numerous redundant safety mechanisms that make them highly resistant to accidental discharge caused by drops and mechanical failures. The 4 Rules of Gun Safety Treat every gun as if it is loaded…always. You MUST abide by these at ALL TIMES to avoid accidents that may cause damage to property, injury or DEATH. The 4 safety rules All guns are always loaded Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target Identify your target, and what is behind it When you look a little deeper, there is a lot more. In order to disassemble, clean, transport, and travel with firearms, they must actually be unloaded and treated as such. 2. 4. Bullets will continue their flight path if they miss or ricochet off their intended target. https://www.mcarbo.com/ Welcome New Gun Owners! To become an expert at handling a firearm, one should invest time and practice into proper handling, operation, and maintenance to become familiar and proficient in all aspects of competition marksmanship and self-defense. Safety is the single most important aspect of owning and using a firearm, and it all begins with the basic rules of gun safety. Keep your fingers away from the trigger while loading or unloading. If you’ve ever taken any sort of firearms training, you’ve probably heard the four rules of gun safety.

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