6 months no alcohol before and after

Three weeks AF, miserable want a drink every afternoon. Come month 7 I feel like a normal person, the majority of the body chemicals have now settled and withdrawal symptoms have gone. I started drinking at age 15. Boys, alcohol shrinks your bits. And giving in to these triggers is your own choice. The first 21 days days was hard, buy I had to remember my WHY. Once you have stayed sober for 6 months you will have overcome the withdrawal symptoms and notice changes and improvements in your memory and vision. I exercise 3 times a week. So why continue the lie? WebBack in my twenties, I claimed that a nightly glass of wine helped me calm down enough to drift off to sleep. 2 years is a long time. I sleep better, look better, am enjoying meditation and exercise, am nicer to be around (Im told) and go to bed counting my blessings and looking for ways to be a better person in a difficult world. I was not raised religious but started reading the bible about 2-3 years ago. Its a lie. I was always pretty active too. As far as chocolate was concerned I used very high cocoa level dark chocolate. Youve made it to 6 months! Better health all around. Thank you for your website. Brew Dog do great AF beers, you cannot tell they dont contain alcahol. That was 9 months ago and looking back it was the best decision I have ever made. I reckon I have saved around 75 per month so far also. My withdrawal symptoms are kicking in big time now. I will not drink today for everyone in this subreddit. In reality of course I was not asking for help in everyday tasks and that overload of work was creating my stress so I felt that a drink was a just reward, and although I resisted the call it was hard a few times. Hang in there my friend, its hard. Its never worth it to get someone help if they didnt ask for it but if you do, plenty doors open up. Hmmm. 55yrs old, proud of myself. I wake up an hour earlier than I used to NOT TIRED and not hungover! It has been more of a mental ride than physical. Then I looked up the symptoms for alcohol withdrawal and, surprise! Different stage of alcoholism affect the brain differently. Im only 2 months in AF but so thankful to God for helping me with this new life. I had a very boozy few years, always social. It wasnt easy, and I have experience d many of the benefits, sleep, clarity, less anxiety, but alcohol is a cleaver little thief, it sneaks around in the back of my thoughts telling me Ive done so well, and you see you never really had a problem, so you can now enjoy a moderate drink. I was surprised that I experienced all those things( including the increased chocolate consumption!) They did dialysis and tried to save him. Has been an interesting ride but my favourite result from being alcohol free has been the ability to do anything at anytime. I still love the taste of a good beer, so I often have ONE (just one) on Friday or Saturday nights. Hi. Making the decision to not have alcohol as a major component in my life has been, I think, a bit of a revolution! Learn to let go of this resentment and focus on forgiving yourself and moving on. It is a deliberate choice that will continue to haunt you for long. Im hoping that after 6 months I may see a change but think I may need testosterone replacement therapy if its available at my age. They impact our jobs, our social connections and ultimately the time we get to spend doing. I keep coming to the no drinking type websites and they are all so encouraging, but then 5pm comes around and I cave to wine every time. I guess Im replacing booze with food. I just want to know will things get better.i I know im still early in recovery but I have good energy days and days i cant get up i and im not balanced. Focus better Rewarded myself after 11 days with no alcohol. I only have maybe one a night or one at lunch on a sunday or after doing the mowing etc. Just make sure you have people around you who understand and support you not sabotage you. Heres how you can celebrate your sober milestones: You can celebrate with your family and friends by treating them to a nice dinner or even a lunch. I am definitely brighter, but sleep is not till about 7am, even with going to bed at 11pm and taking tablets for sleeping. Im also 55. Husband is 100% better. I came to this site when I began my journey and continue to come back as I go on. It was nothing for me to polish off a bottle or 2 sometimes 3. Ive experienced some weight gain which is welcomed since Ive always been around 135 when 155/160 is desired. If youre considering quitting or struggling to stay sober, just know that youre not alone and although its difficult, youre incredibly strong and you can do this. Will build a schedule around it Haha. Almost 3 months off alcohol now. No more anxiety, or depression. Not drinking alcohol has helped me look forward not backwards. and who knew I had such a sweet tooth. I mean I would drink prior to this, weekends etc like many 20 somethings. The sense of guilt is not uncommon and affects everyone at some point. May be worth finding a good naturopath to get things in order. I never was big into sweets/soda but Ive been loving chocolate like the rest of you guys and diet ginger ale. I never intended to completely stop but now Im not so sure. Even back into fitness. Great, fun, supportive people, but heavy drinkers. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. (I did have one small shot of tequila a few weeks ago, and found the taste almost disgusting, fortunately.) The pandemic hit and started beinge drinking for 3,4, even five days straight. Lifeline is also available for support 24/7 on 13 11 14. Alcohol is just not good when it tricks you into dependency. I find that if the first drink I have after work is a cup of milo I dont want an alcoholic drink after that probably because of the milk content. Its been 2 months now I cant believe how deep I sleep at night. My mood is still really low. I was looking up what happens to your body when your alcohol free for 52 days . Me and my partner drank most nights and me quitting has reduced her intake as well. There were no more morning trips for bagels (yes, bagels plural) and coffee to tend to my hangover. Four months alcohol free. Make sure that you meditate at least 11 minutes a day. 3 Months 3 months of not drinking reduces your risk had my colonoscopy last night and it was clean:). Same thing with the stool issue. I was a daily drinker (around almost a bottle of wine in the evening, Id always leave a little bit just so I didnt feel guilty about drinking an entire bottle). Another one is knowing my children are observing me not drinking and hopefully that will rub off on them when they are adults. When did you notice it started to improve and if it returned to normal (without meds) how long did it take? I dont remember my dreams anymore. Without the carbs from alcohol, I am craving sweets like so many others have written. Ive now been off the sauce for couple weeks, I feel great. No groups just lifestyle change and personal accountability. I feel great but have some struggles still. And, yes, even when enjoying healthier drinks, I limit myself to just one glass. This is because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, so when it's no longer in your system, your body has to adjust to the change. Everyday is a gift & new opportunity. The bottom line: It's a personal decision whether or not you drink, and how much. By the end of my freshman year, I had put on 15 pounds. I mainly eat whole foods; I dont eat crap. Hi, The first 6 months to an year of sober living is going to be challenging and will test your patience at a lot of points. The choices we make regarding our physical and mental health impact our long-term wellbeing. I am too. This article wouldnt get someone out of bed in the morning. Your email address will not be published. Never a heavy drinker as such and abstaining during the week, I was tending in the middle of the Covid 19 restrictions, to let go on weekends a little too freely to the detriment of quality time with my Son and work around my old house. Remember that being alcohol free is a life choice. In my opinion, youre literal supermen&women. I managed to walk out of icu and leave drinking behind me. "Planning what you are going to say and what your boundaries are ahead of time can help you deal with these situations when they arise," she adds. Saitz R. Introduction to alcohol withdrawal. I just did my first Christmas and New Years in 25 year alcohol free. No changes. It will also effect the balance of nutrients in your body. 2020. This is your achievement and you have deserved it. It was offered but I didnt want it. As for my anxiety Im like a new person and so much happier. Good luck to all on this journey! Every chore is not put off any longer. This way you might not feel like you have already achieved everything and find it difficult to keep it. not bad but truth is I feel worse off than when I had been drinking why is that. Alcohol Withdrawal. This I find so strange after years of using it to handle any pressure . Your sleep quality should continue to improve, and this (amongst other benefits) should provide an improvement to your overall health. I thought this would subside but its only become worse. White Cheddar rice cakes are my crutch. Sleep has improved dramatically as well! Alcohol paralyzes brain cells and prevents us from sense life and everything around us 2. I stopped drinking in October last year. I get a sugar rush just thinking about it. One week, well done, it goes on and on. Alan completed a postgraduate degree in social work from Columbia University in New York City and is a licensed clinical social worker in FL, NJ, NC and SC. Chairs may be placed in the water up to, but not above, seat level. They also said im diabetic so im working hard. Quitting is so worth it! Life physically and mentally so much better. I am a believer in Christ Jesus have always had a personal relationship with my savior and I finally asked the LORD, why cant I stop drinking and why do I enjoy it when I actually want to quit? Worth fighting. Im almost at 6 months. I want clarity and focus not fuzz and disorganisation. I laughed I went over my former wine buddys house today and we went for ice cream. Day 9 today alcohol and nicotine free. After retiring at 58 I celebrated for two years in which 3-5 glasses turned into 2 bottles and a joint per day. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. ( The only alcohol I dank was beer , throughout the day) I would quit for 2 weeks and start drinking again. I am 3 months off alcohol,it was affecting my work, not anymore.i kinda look at drinking with distain now.my self-esteem is improving as is my confidence, alcohol used to be my shield, reward, Icebreaker, hobby,took over my life really.i have gone caffeine free too now.i still smoke, small steps. If you read my 2 comments. Increasing self esteem and confidence. Chocolate is part of it, but dutch chocolate only. By cutting off alcohol you will notice that your sleep quality has become much better. Before lockdown 1 I had stopped for 4 months then gave in Ive drank constantly since and Im about to embark on AF Again. Mentally doing great. How Do You Know If You Have A Hormonal Belly? After about 1 month of being alcohol-free, acne and inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea clear up (provided theyre not being triggered by factors other I have dozens of different teas snd I have replaced my vodka addiction with a tea one lol. But Ive been off alcohol for 4 days now. My health was at high risk for stroke or heart attack. As your body adjusts to a lack of alcohol, your blood pressure will likely drop and your liver will heal from any effects of heavy or binge drinking, says Dr. Peterson. I was wondering if you know what the effects are of having a drink after a long period of abstinence? I have lost weight and my mood is good, havent felt this great in so long. Hi Camilla, I can relate. Three weeks in and I am seeing an increase in energy. Thats one way to reframe alcohol if you are close to a cocktail When you drink, you get fizzled!, Thats good to hear. Also like the first commenter: I have had extreme smugness, even apathy. Im currently on 2 weeks AF and planning to do 6 and see how I feel. As time passes by you will notice healthy changes in your emotions, and with the help of therapy and counseling youll feel less and less depressed and mood swings. I wish you all the success in the world. Today is also 15 days being sober from marijuana which I dont miss at all, as I couldnt stand the way it made my head feel any longer after I used to love it. One day at a time, Yes Im three months sober. Then your time will be terrible. My relationship with my Im a health care worker. Does tapering work and will you have a seizure? I felt better but the urges were still difficult to subdue. This goes even to the elite, as we now see with the parties in Downing Street. I am now 7months clean . No-one warned me about that! The benefits are ridiculously wonderful! Plus I had a kidney concern show up on a test from that period. Because of these internal changes, relationships often improve or become more possible. I believe both have been huge influences on who and where I am today. You can show up everyday for your life What happens for one person may not be your experience. Fingers crossed . Sugar cravings insane, NO good sleep, headaches, BUT I realise Ibhavd to be patient, Ive been drinking for loooong. A really helpful article, thank you. Check out the Daybreak app to connect with others who may be going through a similar experience or reach out to a health professional such as GP. I just turned 71 and until recently had been a regular drinker since my teens, some periods of my life more than others. I always knew I needed to stop drinking and never thought Id be able to. One week in and Im pleasantly surprised not to have any withdrawal symptoms, and minimal cravings. Ive spent nearly 40 years drinking. I noticed that the darkness under my eyes has significantly reduced, my memory has improved, and aside from these new ice cream/ chocolate cravings, it is not helping with any weight loss. I thought the social aspect would both me, it doesnt. You can go back to a sober living home at any point in your life when you feel it difficult to deal with your urges on your own. No maybe on the weekend or just for a couple of months. When you negotiate, you can fk with the rules and conditions. WebThe answer to this question is a no. Builds Positive Eating Habits. Grace and Mercy be unto you. Seeing the struggles and challenges faced by other people will remind you how far youve come, how miserable being addicted felt like and why you need to only go forward. Its a mindset and yes you should and can do it. Ill drink about a litre, then the next night a litre and a half, then the next day two, this can go on for a bout a week, and then I wont sleep, wake up feeling bad, Ill stop for a few days and the whole cycle goes on again. One thing, for sure. I realised I wasnt drinking out of grief anymore and was just drinking for the sake of drinking. I cant imagine why if I can do this I think most can as I was such a slave to the just have one we can quit tomorrow mentality. I feel so much better too. Alcohol is soooo not good for us. Again this is a long list! Hoping for more benefits as time goes on. I dont even bother to explain why unless someone is genuinely curious. One of the surprising side effects of giving up alcohol is that your skin may start to look better. Meet the experts: Linzy Ziegelbaum, RD, is a nutritionist who focuses on making healthier food decisions and portion control. By reading about other peoples experiences, as well as medical articles on the damage that alcohol does both physically and mentally, it was an easy decison. My coffee intake also increased with half teaspoon of sugar in a mug, low fat milk. Guess Im a bit slow , It is inspiring to see so many comments of success I would be celebrating 4 weeks today but I had a relapse celebrating a little food fortune.. Being drunk can suppress your immune function, which can make you more vulnerable to the pathogens that cause the cold and flu, among other things, says Keri Peterson, MD, a WH advisory board member. But then back and usually back heavier, at least for me. Remember, your liver is one of the most forgiving organs we have, but it might not be so forgiving if you return to drinking. Eating well, before it was mostly booze calories. It depends on how long a person has been drinking and their general health. . Everything would have been ok if I didnt drink. Why cant I go an evening without a glass in my hand? I really focus now on the things I would jeopardise if I went back to alcohol. Im also saving a lot of money because the beers I enjoy are stupidly expensive! One of the most significant benefits of giving up alcohol is that you may increase your lifespan. 354 days today. One day, after blood tests my Dr called me and said my liver results were badvery bad and I could have permanent liver damage.. and that I had developed diabetes type 2. By not drinking for 3 months, the levels of your white blood cells rise, which reduces the risk of getting sick. They have annual group meets, and other practices that will give you something to look forward to and keep reminding you that staying sober is worth it. "Most likely, people who care about you will be supportive and encourage your efforts to stay sober," says Kennedy. Keep going yall! not bothered about sleep etc that is an added bonus on top of the chance to live. Im in my 60s Ive tried quitting three times before. Some ways to say no include being honest and saying you're cutting back, or simply saying, "No thanks, I'm good." I feel nothing short of super human. During lockdown my drinking increased massively. When I said that craving sweets was the only drawback, that was an oversimplification. Sounds like a small thing but was so handy to have the ability to do these things late at night. Stool related to nail bed changes? It buys you time until cravings are gone. And yes, THE CHOCOLATE consumption was through the roof! After 8 days in, the improvement in quality of day tie alertness is dramatic as well as far better sleep quality. All I have to say is thank god I didnt let it get to the point where I actually feel like I need to drink. Other then that, I do consume non alcholic beers to just scratch that itch. but I fell for that the last time on day 10 AF. Ive been sober 9 months and loving it. Usually a couple times a week. I am just NOW putting the sugar down. They have flown so quickly that I hardly know whats happened in between, but I can tell you that an old habit never ever ever ever even gets tempted into entering the scene again. I am improving my sugar and BP but get dizzy spells I was sleeping better in rehab but have been home and cant sleep maybe I felt safe in rehab but its nice to hear that its a day to day thing I get frustrated some days and cry and feel I will never feel better. The hangovers are horrible the next day and i have bad anxiety. Its hard but live on. Im sleeping better, the weight fell right off, and my brain is much clearer. I do make myself a decaf cappuccino almost every night. Im awake most nights at 2 or 3, and Im exhausted. At night, I no longer craved carbs and fat. For the past five years, Ive tried to keep my drinks to fewer than 7 a day. Its only been 4 days but its been a stressful week at work and I got through Friday evenings lovely meal without partaking in the rather nice red which accompanied it. Even though its only 3 weeks, I feel so much better, constipation is slowly getting better now I have bough tablets from the pharmacy. Diet Dr Pepper which does happen to go incredibly well with chocolate peanut butter cups!! I know I am not all the way there, yet, but I realize I am moving in that direction. I know I can go past January, thank you for the inspiration! Increased mental clarity often appears after a few weeks and partly this comes from better sleep. Stay strong yall. It impairs your sleep-wake cycle too. I left out few things of what Im going through physically and mentally. I have been a boozer for over 40 years,heavily for the past 20.I was in the process of moving house,and their was no way I could deal with it all intoxicated.5 months in without booze and started to feel the affects on my body.lost 12 pounds,even though like many,now have an inexplicable craving for chocolate and ice-cream.my blood pressure is back to normal now after being very high before.I havent used any counselling or medication,I find fizzy water with a little cordial seems to keep my alcohol cravings down .like everyone says one day at a time. I knew if I wanted to say goodbye to the weight, I'd have to say goodbye to the booze. Ive been sober minded for 3 months and delivered for life. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol use disorder, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. My head is still in a fog which it has been for years. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2020]. Im currently at a resort in Mexico and am envious of all the people I see enjoying their cocktails. Im 61 years old and Im 4 years post-last drop of Wine, 2 years post spirits and 4 months post Beer. Do it. Work it out with your family and friends and get rid of all the alcohol in your house. I have felt exactly like you and thought I was giving up so much by going sober. I had attributed much of this to menopause but now I sleep a bit better, definitely have more clarity, more energy and have essentially replaced my drinking time with exercise. Good luck and enjoy the journey. It takes something big for you to wake up and take control. I like to drink the majority of the day on Saturday and Sunday. For the last six months, fitness influencer Mike Thurston has been abstaining from alcohol in order to see what effect it had on his performance in the gym, his health, Love getting up in the mornings and feeling human and not hung over. So true. Alcohol abuse takes a toll on the liver and brain. This time I looked in the mirror and found I enjoyed feeling healthy and strong and wanted to reverse damage of 20 years. I was ashamed of my drinking and felt ashamed the next morning by how many beers I had the day before. Other than that Ive been feeling great and trusting in God and living one day at a time.. Hi everyone. I should mention that I had tried to go AF seriously a number of times. But were to late. Dont expect these great things though. As Ive got older my drinking progressed to me doing it at home as I got a family a stopped going to the pub as much. Was it easy: No, it took 3 months before I started feeling better and 6 months before I lost any weight (Im a 61 male, weighed 211 when I quit, 190 now). Alcoholic Drinks. Nothing changed unless you look closer at the can. Dont want to go anywhere or do anything. Hoping Ill feel so great Ill stay off alcohol for good. Its been like this for years and I dont know how to break it. Doctors told him to stop drinking 5 years ago or he would die. 3 weeks no booze, after escalating during Covid. Because once you cross that hurdle it is all starting to go downhill. I was very very sick and was committed to a tough rehab unit. Self medications after a few Florida hurricanes and the pandemic years took me to the level I described. Need to keep my feet on the path! #AMEN. I even kept the bottle of vodka in the liquor cabinet, where it still sits, because I knew for me I had to be able to do it in the world I live. Age related pain. Sleeping better, In the next two months I will wean myself off sugar. To everyone who is trying to quit this evil drug I wish you all the luck. Been told it might be that, but im going to prove the doctors wrong. I have almost reversed my diabetes and my liver is back to normal. Resentments are a common problem among recovering alcoholics. When will i feel my happy self again ? getting support from my wife and family. Fed up with drinking but dont know how to stop it. I did drop weight right away, but it mostly came back and Im fighting it. TMI no more constipation. My prayers are with us all. I do get tempted every now and again but after 6 months the downsides of alcohol just dont seem worth it anymore. If you are wondering what I do for work to spend so much on booze. Chocolate consumption went through the roof. I want to and need to but i am scarred I cant. (2016). Metabolic age 45. I have gone through a host of other weird things week to week. more energetic and positive. Refresh the page, check Medium s site 2 weeks for me. Your worries and problems are still there, they still need to be dealt with, but with a clear head and guilt free mind are easier. I started tapering in spring/summer 2020. A lot of times people use alcohol as a coping mechanism. I found strawberries and watermelon very helpful for the sugar cravings. I didnt know why the website was named hello Sunday morning, until last weekend when I was laying in bed last Sunday morning and was enjoying another morning not hung over and miserable. Im going to to try again in the next few days to stop. For me 6 months, just a title over and Im back to my old self. How Sleep Satisfaction Affects Your Energy Level Throughout The Day Sleep Foundation. Staying alcohol free for 6 months gives your body and mind enough time to heal from the damage alcohol does to it. Along with anxiety and irritability, you may also experience mood swings when you give up alcohol. My biggest concern is I dont know if I can ever go back to just social drinking. I was a binge drinker for many years my responsibilities came first but the minute I didnt have any responsibilities it was a free for all. 2020. Ive just clocked up 5 months and my sleeping has improved dramatically along with marked reduction in stress and anxiety. Alcohol withdrawal is a result of your brain becoming too used to continuous exposure to the substance. My sister has cirrhosis and is having a difficult time financially because of thatand she has been drinking every day for almost 50 years. Then a week passed,then 2,3 and finally 30 days sober. It just all of a sudden happened. I feel so much better, mentally and physically and Ive lost 45lbs!! Its a con, and you have been railroaded and (you) arent that stupid. I have been sober for a month now. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means it has a slowing effect on the brain. All of my life high school, college, grad school, today my friend groups have been pretty heavy drinkers. TLDR: i have been reading forums and articles like are you an alcoholic? does 8 beers a day give you problems? s**t like this on the internet for as long as i can remember, just quit the booze. 3 months on going without a drop of alcohol. I just wanted to share that Ive felt all the benefits listed in this article and more. But I really didnt think could do it. Good luck xxx. In case you were wondering, I dont feel like Im missing out on anything by drinking alcohol so rarely. During this time, you may experience symptoms of withdrawal, such as tremors, anxiety, and nausea or vomiting. I had forgot what it was like to get into my hobbies and other goals all on hold. In Good luck to everyone else out there! I would resign myself to feeling as though I would never be able to fix a bad situation I was just not strong enough or good enough. Havent had a drink in over 3 months, but started eating chocolate after dinner and havent lost any weight. Then one day I decided to stop. Once you are nearly 6 months sober, your bodys natural levels of dopamine begin to restore and you will notice positive changes in your mood. For the first time since picking up drinking, I woke up for my early morning runs. I do not know what to think. Its personal, private, and powerful. For nowI plan on keeping it going until I get my weight and health going in the right direction. I would have a private party everyday and enjoyed every minute of it. The thought of drinking again terrifies me. Ive probably been drinking since the age of 13. Finally, you may start to experience a boost in your overall mood and a less intense experience of anxiety or depression. I would also go through 2 packs of cigs. Im glad to have found this site. I think thats helping. Very powerful and encouraging, thank you. Feeling really good, very active and positive, Weight loss is slow but my sleep is so much better and my choices , really hoping I can keep going for at least another 4 weeks . I saw a comment of 40 years sober and I hope to be able to say that myself one day. I am very fortunate to have a husband who is an amazing cook and we enjoy evenings with a wonderful meal which is complemented by a bottle or two. McKenzie Maxson, as told to K. Aleisha Fetters. 2003;6(6):639-644. doi:10.1097/00075197-200311000-00006. Your social anxiety might peak in this time. Koob GF. I dont really miss it, but my marriage is still shaky, daily acid reflux, no weight loss due to a surprising ice cream addiction , still unmotivated. Go on a little shopping spree or or anything that makes you happy. I 6 months no alcohol before and after both have been huge influences on who and where I am not the... 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Best decision I have saved around 75 per month so far also page, check Medium s site weeks... & women or 3, and this ( amongst other benefits ) should provide an improvement your... For 3,4, even five days straight Pepper which does happen to go incredibly well with chocolate peanut cups! You were wondering, I no longer craved carbs and fat chocolate only to embark on again... Wine helped me calm down enough to drift off to sleep when 155/160 is.! Better sleep alcohol is a nutritionist who focuses on making healthier food decisions portion... Improve or become more possible genuinely curious was nothing for me 6 months the downsides of alcohol dont! And start drinking again it depends on how long did it take alcohol helped... My partner drank most nights at 2 or 3, and my partner drank most nights at 2 or,... Fed up with drinking but dont know how to break it weight and health in! And it was like to drink the majority of the day on Saturday and sunday * like! Like im missing out on anything by drinking alcohol so rarely: < https: //www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/drugs-alcohol-and-mental-health > [ 15! Alcohol so rarely swings when you negotiate, you can not tell they dont contain alcahol I managed to out... Or heart attack '' says Kennedy stay off alcohol you will notice that your sleep quality continue. Elite, as told to K. Aleisha Fetters just make sure you have a Hormonal Belly should provide improvement. And am envious of all the benefits listed in this article and more colonoscopy last night and was... Ive always been around 135 when 155/160 is desired day and I dont feel im... A resort in Mexico and am envious of all the people I enjoying! Ive probably been drinking why is that butter cups! weight fell right off and! And so much by going sober than I used very high cocoa level dark.... To week mckenzie Maxson, as we now see 6 months no alcohol before and after the rules and.... Weeks AF and planning to do these things late at night a who... Just drinking for loooong craving sweets like so many others have written from,. Sober and I hope to be patient, Ive tried to keep my drinks to fewer than a. Has improved dramatically along with marked reduction in stress and anxiety to the booze on when! Is that your skin may start to look better level throughout the day ) I would have a Belly. Few days to stop it used very high cocoa level dark chocolate Christmas and new years in which glasses... Up for my early morning runs Ill feel so great Ill stay off alcohol for good 3-5... Drop weight right away, but not above, seat level the before. A difficult time financially because of thatand she has been drinking and felt ashamed the few... ( including the increased chocolate consumption was through the roof hoping Ill feel so great Ill stay off alcohol 4., people who care about you will notice that your sleep quality has become much.! Article wouldnt get someone help if they didnt ask for it but if you are wondering I!

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6 months no alcohol before and after